Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Sister's Keeper pg49-58

This chapter is from the view point of Anna. When Kate is tied to bed, Anna is her eyes and her ears. When they are in the hospital, the aura is just good. Unfortunately, a man who names Vern Stackhouse give a document to Sara because she is being sued. Nobody knows what's going on here except Anna. It is a PETITION FOR MEDICAL EMANCIPATION. What the petition about is Anna gets to make all future medical decisions, not be forced to submit to medical treatment which is not in her best interests or for her benefit and not be required to undergo any more treatment for the benefit of her sister. And this petition shocks her family, they can't believe it that she did it to them. Her borther, Jesse knew this and said,"welcome to the Dark Side". Sara wants Anna to get rid of the lawyer and Anna refuses to do it. After Anna refuses her father's invitation for walking and talking without a lawyer, Sara slaps Anna's face. Kate thinks Anna is her only friend, but Anna said she is not. Anna is lying.

I think the story is becoming more exciting and I can't wait to know what is going on next chapter. I can't imagine how is the consequence will be since a family member sues for her family when she is 13 years old. What I mean is she still needs to live with her family, how can she face to them? Even though I know what does Anna think, I still can't understand how dare she to do such a thing like this. If I am Anna, I don't think I can sue my family. I think it is because our culture is different. My culture tells me family is very important, if you sue your family, it's important for you to live with them anymore. So I'm very surprised that even Anna's family know the situation, they still can talk to each other normally. But I think the storm is coming...

Monday, April 28, 2008

P 50~77(ch.5~6)

Hannah was really angry that her whole kitchen was in the process of being arranged and Connie Mac didn’t even ask her for permission. Connie Mac was using the kitchen as if it’s her kitchen. And she also made Janie embarrassed so often. Connie Mac was not a person who Hannah expected. She was such a rude person. One day, early in the morning, she entered Cookie Jar as usual and she found that the door was unlocked. It must be Connie Mac’s fault. She was supposed to use Hannah’s kitchen last night. However, she found something was strange. Connie Mac’s bag was on the table and the oven was steel working. She thought it’s strange because it’s already morning and Connie Mac doesn’t need to stay here until now. When she entered the pantry, she was really surprised. Connie Mac was there and dead.
I was worry about the story because of misunderstanding. Before the chapters, I couldn’t expect somebody would die even the title is “Blueberry Muffin Murder”. And now I’m curious about murderer. It will be interesting to find out who is the murderer from now on. I think Hannah will be involved in the matter.


This book is talk about a girl who called Emma Woodhouse and she is beautiful, clever and rich. She is live in the village of Highbury which is sixteen miles from London. She is almost twenty- one years old and she thinks her life is almost perfert, so she has never thougt of getting marriged herself. But she really likes try to match a couple, such as arrange marriages between her friends and neighbours. And in chapter 1, Emma tries to match her friend Harriet and her old schoolfriend Elton. But Emma makes a lot of mistakes and causes more problems on that matching.
For me,i really like June Austen's writing style because her book is not difficult to read and when you read her book, you will happy and funny. You will not feel stress to think about the writer's deeply thinking on their writing. Also, i really like this book's character Emma because i like her personality. She is kind. Although she is really rich, she will look down the poor people and always help her friend.

Thnik big and kick ass 75-96

In this chapter Donal Trump continues talk about his experiences. First is "Learn from your mistakes", he said" everyone has good times and bad times, everyone makes good deals and bad deals". Second "never give up", he said"If you want to be successful, you can never, ever quit". If we have our goals, we have to be patient as well as enthusiastic to achieve our goals. Just keep moving for ward, keep our goals clear, and do not give in to discouragement or setbacks ( Donal Trump-64). Last "get out of your comfort zone", comfort zone will make your purposes get lower and lower because you satisfied with what you have. Thus the good way to make your self keep working hard is get out of your comfort zone, put yourself on competitiveness zone and it is much better for you.

I do not understand this chapter so far, but i could catch the main ideas in this chapter. I like the last part "get out of your comfort zone" because this is the first time i know about that. I like the ways he talks, stronger works, good examples, it is really interesting

The absolutely true diary of a Part- time Indian (part 3)

Pages 65-117.
One day, when Junior couldn't stand anymore, he punched Roger in the face, one of his classmates. Because Roger insulted Junior and Indians. Roger didn't do anything after that. Junior said he wanted to finish the fight in the day after. As soon as he came home, he was scared. He had challenged Roger, a big boy. He asked his grandma for an advice. She told him that Roger "respected" him because Roger didn't hit Junior.
Like his grandma said, after that day, Junior went to school. Roger didn't say anything about fighting with Junior. He just smiled. He seemed to be friendlier with Junior. In his class, Gordy, the class genius, taught Junior many things about how to read a book. He's so smart and a good friend too. Everything was becoming better, but Penelope, one of Junior’s classmates, a beautiful girl, still hated Junior because he's an Indian. In the Halloween day, Junior and Penelope wanted to save money for homeless Native Speaker. But there were a thief, they stole all Junior's money. Penelope was very worried about him. After that, Penelope started becoming friendlier with Junior. They were a couple. That time, in Junior’s family had a big: his sister wanted to marry a flathead Indian and move to Montana. That was a shock with his family. The sister was living a romantic novel. She loved her life in Montana. She, a girl always wants to live alone in her room and writes romantic novels, wanted to have a new life far away from the rez, the Indian reservation. It was the big change with Indians in the reservation.

My response: This book is really interesting! I like it. I like Junior and his character. I like Penelope, Gordy, and Rowdy. But in this part, I like his sister. She was so brave. She dared to think and dared to act. She looks like a bird. The mature bird wants to fly to another place. I hope she could have a good life with her decision. For Junior, his first love was really cute. His relationship with his classmate was better. He was stronger and braver. Many things are in front of Junior, I hope he can handle them and have a beautiful life like his sister.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve pages 65-91.


Jack was predicted to be depressed which caused the pilot's error. However, when asked by Robert, Kathryn said that he was not but unhappy. She also said about five years ago, Jack told her that he was terribly bored with the airline as the company had grown too fast and become too impersonal where he hardly knew any of the crew he flew with. Also, he was thinking of quitting his job for another one or even opening his own operation such as flying school. Later, the topic drifted off. Kathryn herself, did not want to rise the subject since so she was not sure if Jack had really been thinking about it for the past five years. It was hard for Kathryn to sleep in her room where Jack used to sleep with her, after Robert went back to the inn that night. So she decided to sleep in the spare room. She was then waken up by the loud voices of Julia and Mattie just after midnight. Mattie was trying to wrap her present for Jack but she could not. She was still not used to her father's death. Julia decided to take Mattie to her house as Mattie needed a neutral zone. Kathryn went back to sleep after Julia and Mattie were gone, this time in her own bedroom after she had regained her bravery. Kathryn woke up the next morning and saw Robert with a cup of coffee. Robert told her the news he had heard that it was a suicide. Kathryn could not believe it and so she quickly drove her car at a high speed to Julia's place.


Phew. . . It is getting to the climax soon! How exciting! I long to know what exactly the cause of the explosion is. I too, do not believe that it was a suicide, just like Kathryn. How could it be? Why would Jack really do such a stupid thing and left his beloved family? It did not really make sense to me. In my opinion, he was a good husband and father so he would not let his family suffer on purpose. I hope the union really got it wrong. Also, I hope Jack actually survived. I just got the idea, what if it was a Christmas surprise from Jack for his family? Maybe he wanted to see what his family's reaction is!

Roll of Thunder,Hear My Cry. Pg17-31

It continues to talk about their school` s eviroment.It`s author`s first day to go to school.Then something happen to author and Little Man.When the bell is ringing ,they go to the class.Then the teacher introduce herself first.Her name is Daisy Crocker. Next.she send educational books. But little Man is not glad about the books.So he argues with teacher.And author find some problems in the books.She also argues with teacher.So something happen to them.The teacher decide to meet author`s mother to talk about this event.Author`s mother is also a teacher in this school. Then Daisy talk to his mother.Who konows! Her mother support Little Man and Cassie.So Daisy is very angry to leave her mother`s office room.Then author does`n worry about his mother with anger........
I think this event happened shlould be the Cassie`s teacher`s fault.She always complain it.In fact, her thinking is wrong. The author does not like these books.Then teacher is angry.She does`n ignore why the author does`n like this book.She only think her opinion. Then the author`s mother does`n agree with her. It gives me a idea. In the future,whatever I do anything,I have to think about it clearl before I do it. Do not your opinion will be right forever.Sometimes you also need to follow other people`s opinon. So next step maybe something interesting happen to the author.Let us expect it!

Around the world in 80 days Part 3

When Mr.Fogg said:" We are going to make the tour of the world." Passeparttout was so astonishment that stupefied.He had no idea about the homebody. They took off at the night without any trunks on the boat(the boat's name was Mongolia). The next day, the news of the bet spread through the Reform Club , and even the whole England. Most people thought him a lunatic(insane; demented; crazy). Because of the mysterious habits, solitary ways, sudden departure of Mr.Fogg, people thought that the bank robber was him. So Mr.Fix, who was a detective, was dispatched from England in search of the bank robber. Mr.Fix was waiting at Suez, where the boat would arrive from Brindisi, of cause, Mr.Fogg and his servant were on the boat. For proving they passed Suez, Mr.Fogg and his servant went to the consulate , where they met the detective, get the visa.

ha...ha.....,what will happen when the consulate met his men? Will they be arrested to England? Can they keep going their tour around the world in 80 days? Is Mr.Fogg the real bank robber? But I believe that Mr.Fogg is a real gentleman, because if he is a robber, why he went to the consulate get the visa, and went out with his servant? "Misunderstanding still, the answer eternal", I forgot who said it, it was said for a basketball player, Allen Iverson, who was misunderstand a killer in a case for many years. Don't judge yourself by other people's words.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sharing a poem

I just read a poem by Tagore, I want to share with all of you.
Open thy door to that which must go,
for the loss become,
unseemly when obstructed.

my understanding is forgetting the things that happened in the past and always make you feeling uncomfortable. My mom tells me that"If you have to live everyday in the world, whatever you are happy or sad, so why not live with happy!"
Please let's love ourselves, love the world, love the beautiful life.
thank you

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Sister's Keeper pg26-46

The first chapter is back to 1990, the year that is the beginning of the story. In this year,Kate had been examed her got Leukemic, which is a blood cancer,made her going to die.
But her parents, especially her mother, Sara, didn't want her daughter to die. Her parents knew that the rate of survival for APL patients is twenty to thirty percent,if treatment starts immediately.Then the story jumped to now, after Anna grew up. When the family is having dinner, Brian found Anna has a little bit different from before, But Sara thinks it's normal because she is a teenager.This is the beginning of the story.

I think in Anna's family,nobody can understand her and no one has asked her about her opinion, what they care about is Kate, Anna's sister, just because she is the patient. But they forgot the other thing, there is not only one child in their family. They should also take care of other two children, not only Kate. During their dinner time, only father found Anna's unusual action. So I can imagine how much they ignore Anna.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Dongjin pg29-49

One day, Hannah heard a glad news that Janie is coming back to the town. She’s a friend of her sister, Andrea. She had moved the town to go to college. Now she’s back for the winter carnival. She’s working for Connie Mac as her personal assistant and she’s supposed to attend the carnival. Connie Mac is really famous star of a popular cable television cooking show, Cooking With Connie Mac. She will be participating in the carnival by making food. Connie Mac needs some commercial ovens but she couldn’t find right place. Finally, Hannah had to let Connie Mac use her kitchen even though she doesn’t want to. And she found that her high school class mate, Greg, has also come back to the town.

Many characters appeared in these chapters. Before this chapter, almost was introduced about background. However, I think that this chapter was starting main story. In advance, the book will start interesting story. I wonder what will be happened next chapter. I didn’t understand all stories yet. I believe I will improve reading skill. After I understood difficult words, I had confidence.

Think big and kick ass 38-75

In this chapter, Donal Trump told about "passion". We can not working without passion, we love what we do and we can do it better. Then he told about "work hard", he was fallen off in 1990 because of USA's economic was not good at that time. But he was working very hard, and found many ways to kept his property. Many his friends gave up and tried to go away, but Donal Trump did not do like that, he had had very good relationship with many banks, and they did not confiscate his property. He has been doing very well his business since he started his business, and his secrets are "Passion" and "Work hard".
I really like this chapter because learned many things after i read it. I like The ways he talks, strong words, strong feeling.

Roll of Thunder,Hear My Cry.

The book`s name is "Roll of Thunder,Hear My Cry."The author`s name is Mildred D.Taylor. Page1-17.

The beginning of the story discribe four children.They are Little Man,Stacey,Christopher,and author.The author`s name is Cassie in the story.Three people are Cassie`s brothers.They are going to school ,but Little Man is afraid of clothes to be dirty.So he walks slowly,he makes other three people be late to school.But finally he follow them.Then the author describes what her hometown look like and her family`s situation.During the road,they talk about something that who`s house is burned.Maybe it`s a secret.And then describe Little Man`s how to follow them to go to school.Then the author describes what school looks like..........
It`s my first time to read it.In the beginning,I think that nothing can hook me.The author just describe that the four children go to school,and then something happen to them.And then she discribe what their school look like.I think that in this story they have different char
acter.Little Man is a typical example.He is very careful and naughty person.His brothers are very rash.The author is patient and responsible for everything.So in this way,the author makes a story about them.I think maybe something will happen next.Maybe their family will be broken. Maybe they will meet a very difficuit thing.Maybe one of them will die. But I still expect something will happen next.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Around the world in 80 days,Part 2

When Jean, who was known as Passepartout, began to work for Phileas Fogg, Eaq., he found his "ideal" that his master functions like clockwork. The time of doing everything was writen down for him. And the room he lived was clean, tidy and austere, and well planned for servants. As usual, Mr.Fogg did the same things with the usual people in the club. One day, when Mr.Fogg was playing card and talking with his usual players, he said the earth had became smaller because people could travel around it in eighty days. Because of this conversation, Mr.Fogg made a 20,000 bet to his players who did not believe that he could around the world in eighty days. This time, Mr.Fogg was serious like usual.So tonight, he shall be on the Dover train...................................

Cool! I like that, let me remember a Chinese proverb--a word once spoken cannot be taken back even by a team of four horses, in other word, do what you said. Of cause, without courage, you also need a cool-headed when you decide some important things. And i thought, sometimes regular life is very good for our body and work, but if you put your daily things into every single minute, like Mr.Fogg, it is maybe little puritanical. Now, i am thinking about what is Passepartout's reflection when he hear that he is going to travel around the world in eighty days with his clockwork master. May be crazy,or quit his job.

The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve pages 30-64.


So far, this book has been still telling about what was happening around the house. There has not been any next day, still the same first day when Kathryn was informed by Robert Hart that Jack had an accident. After the bad news, Mattie slept the whole day with Julia, Kathryn's grandmother. Kathryn's parents were dead, both were drowned when they were drunk. They often fought from which Kathryn learnt about marriage. Kathryn found some papers in Jack's trousers in the bathroom after she had finished bathing. It was the trousers that Jack had worn on his last day home. There were some list of stuffs that he had to buy and some receipt from the post office in which written that a package would arrive on 20th December - it was 17th December when she found the paper. She thought it must be a christmas surprise for Mattie. Then she remembered about all the surprises that Jack had given her, especially the house she was currently living in. Jack had always been good at surprises, she thought. Until the last page that I have read, Robert Hart was informed that the accident was seventy percent pilot's error in which Kathryn could not believe and that there had been seven bodies found.


I long to read about how she goes on with her life without her husband! I guess it takes pretty lots of pages to tell the story of that particular day. Perhaps the Union had made a mistake with the information? And Jack would come back home? Kathryn had already asked about this to Robert. Poor Kathryn, Robert told her that they would never inform any wives that their husbands were dead while they actually were not=(. Hmm, I'm hoping it would really happen to Kathryn. Or maybe just a long nightmare for Kathryn.=D

The absolutely true diary of a Part-time Indian (part 2)

Pages 29-64.
Junior has a older sister. For Junior, his sister is the prettiest, strongest and funniest person in the world. She didn't go to college. Junior is so different from his sister. He loves school. He and his friend - Rowdy - were highschool player in basketball. Junior ia not good at playing basketball, he was crushed by the bigger and better kids. In his school, there is a weird teacher, he was Junior's Geometry teacher. The teacher sometimes forfets to come to school and wears pajamas in class. However, he is really a good teacher. One day, Junior was in Geometry class, he was thinking about his book, it used to be his mother's book. He was thinking that his school and his family are so poor that he had to use the book his parent studied from. He was angry, he threw it away and it hurt the Geometry teacher. The teacher wasn't angry. He just talked to Junior after Junior's suspension. The teacher told Junior about his sister, she had been the smartest student in the teacher's class, her biggest dream is becomming a writer, but she didn't tell anyone. Then, she gave up her dream. At the end of the conversation, the teacher said he wanted Junior to transfer to another school. Because many white people here were trying to make Indian kids give up their dreams. Junior' sister gave up her dream and Rowdy, his best friend, became a bad person in school, he made people scare when they heard his name.
Junior had thought for many days, and then he decided to transfer to Reardan, a rich school with the smartest, richest and most athletic students. They are white peole. When Rowdy heard his friend said that he would transfer to Reardan and he wanted Rowdy to come with him, he was angry.
The first day Junior went to Reardan, many white kids stared at him. He soon realized differences between white kids and Indian kids. In the new school, he was called with many names such as: chief, sitting bull, tonto, squaw boy....He tried to handle them as much as he can.

My response: Poor Junior's friend and sister, they soon gave up their dreams and lived without future. They accepted it. On the other hand, Junior is really strong. He could face with difficulties. Transfering may be his good opportunity, but it's also his big challenge. If he can overcome it, he will be stronger, white kids will not stare him anymore, and he will find his dream. The dream for not only him but also his friend, his family and his sister. So, do you think Junior can stand in the new school and will be a bright and shining star like the teacher told him before?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Here's the website you need to read tonight!

This is a website with some information on American culture. Please read the sections entitled Work Ethic, Pets, Education System, and Customs.



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Here's the verb tense website link:


Hope it helps!


Monday, April 14, 2008


The book`s name is HATCHET.It is written by GARY PAULSEN.I have read it from page1 to page 24.
The story is about a boy .His name is Brian.Because his parents were divorced,he only stayed with his mother.so long time no see his father,so he miss his father.So one day,he wants to take a plane to see his father.When he leave his mother,hhia mother give his some tools include hatchet.May this can help him when he get the trouble.In this way,ha take the plane.Who knows!Some bad things happen to him.It is about air-crash,he is very nevour.So some terrible thing happen to him on the palne.The pilot is dead.The plane run out of the gas.Who knows that next step will happen waht?.........
Response:I think brian is a very good boy!He miss his father.Then he take a plane to see him. I am so glad abou this thing.So some bsd thing happened to him,he meet the air-crash.If I were him,I would be dying.I am no able to meet this event.But brian is also a huaman.So he is nevours during the plane time. But I think he has a good spirit,fanally he drive a plane.He need to learn how to drive it! He is very good about this thing.I belive he will meet more chanllenges! We need to learn about him.I hope next step will happen what....

The Absolutely true diary of a Part-Time Indian.

Pages 1-28
The story is about a little Indian boy. His name is Junior. He is 14 years old. He was born with too much brain grease inside his skull. So he had many problems that are caused by his brain damage. Those problems were about his teeth, hands, feet, and head. They were different from other people. He also has had a stuter and lisp for a long time. He can't talk normally, so he loves drawing cartoons. It helps him to explain his mind. His family is poor. For him, there are many bad things about being poor: he lose his sick dog, his parent lose their dreams and sometimes, they miss their meals. Beside his family, he also has a best friend, Rowdy. Junior said that he and Rowdy are inseparable.

MY RESPONSE: I'm really surprised that a 14-year-old boy can can be brave like that. If i were him, i couldn't be strong like that. He can stand all the hurts from the brain damage and from other people. He can smile and make me laugh a lot. I really like this story, because it is more special than other stories about young people who were unlucky in their lifetime. This is not a sad story. Junior only used funny words and made people see his problems by laughing and compassion. Do you think he will have a good result for his brain damage and he will be a typically people? I hope so.

first summary...

My book title is “Blueberry Muffin Murder”. The book is about a woman named Hannah Swensen. She lives with her cat, Moishe. She lives in Lake Eden, Minnesota and is running a cookie shop and bakery, “The Cookie Jar”. These days she’s been busy because she’d contracted to provide all the cookies for the Lake Eden Winter Carnival. Soon there will be a carnival in her town. Lake Eden was a popular tourist spot in the summer month, when the town was crowded with visitors. However, when the summer season was over, the tourists left town so Mayor Bascomb decided to have Lake Eden’s first winter carnival in the third week of February.

When I read the book, I was worry for my reading skill. There are difficult words in the book. After I read chapter one, I forgot the content so I felt the book is difficult. Also, the part to read the book introduced background for the book. Recipe in the book was interesting. When I chose the book, the letter was very small so I couldn’t see it well. The book is mystery so I think I will be interesting
The first few pages the book told me about how Donald Trump become richer and richer. He worked very hard, he love to connecting people, helping them, and educating them. he never word just for money, from Trump brand he gets more than $1.5 million per speech, but he donates much of the money to charity. People always ask him," How did you get rich?" And he just answer like action, persistence, passion, and his attitudes. Next he gives us a quiz to see our profile, for example:How much money do you want to have in five years?,Which best describes your reaction when someone tells you that you can't do something?, or What is your attitude toward work, etc. After that he explans those questions for us to see what we need to do to become more success and richer. End of this chapter, Bill Zanker told about how his life has changed when he met Donald Trump. Zanker's company is just a small company, the company just earning $5.5 million, but the company has grown over 400 percent and the profit of last year is $102 million. Donald Trump has completely changed the way he thinks. And he said, thinking bog is a way of life for Donald Trump, and that is his secret.
I have been reading this book for a week and i am very interested in this book. I like the business books, and marketing books, that is the reason why i choise this book for this quarter. In my opinion, the first fee pages are going good, it is not hard to read, easy to understand. I found some interesting tthings in this book, such as Trump's quiz, and his explans. This is a good book, if you have time, you should check it out.

My Sister's Keeper

The novel book that I chose is My Sister's Keeper, Written by Jodi Picoult. Pages 1-25
Anna is not sick, but she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukemia that has plagued her since childhood. The product of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, Anna was conceived as a bone marrow match for Kate - a life and a role that she has never questioned… until now. Like most teenagers, Anna is beginning to question who she truly is. But unlike most teenagers, she has always been defined in terms of her sister - and so Anna makes a decision that for most would be unthinkable… a decision that will tear her family apart and have perhaps fatal consequences for the sister she loves.

I chose this book is because it's subject is really novel. When Anna she decided to sue her parents for the rights to her own body, the situation of everything will be changed. I am thinking about, if I am Anna, will I fight for my rights or just save my sister? It is really difficult to choose the side. Anna said if Kate had been healthy, she'd still be floating up in Heaven or wherever, waiting to be attached to a body to spend some time on Earth. She would not be part of her family. When I read this, I felt sad about Anna. Stand on her side, I strongly disagree with her parents' decision. But stand on her parents' side, I can understand why her parents will make such a decision likes this. I believe there is nobody wants to be born by the reason likes that, also there is no parents want to see their kid dies. I think this book is not only about love, but also about the moral dilemma.


hello,this quarter i chose a short novel named AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS by JULES VERNE, translated with Notes by MICHAEL GLENCROSS (original edition is French).The leading role,Phileas Fogg,who was the most courteous(/ˈkɜrtiəs/,polite) and one of the most hamdsome gentlemen in English high society.He was also a mystery man -- he didn't have a wife or children,even had no relatives or friends.He walked each day from his house straight to his club ,where he took lunch and dinner like clockwork, always in the same dinin-room and at the same table. His only pastimes were reading newspapers and playing whist(a card game).One day, a new servant, Passepartout,begain to serve him.

i like exploration,so i chose this book. According to the chapter one and tow, i can find that Mr.Fogg is a very punctual ,polite, alone and rich English gentleman. So i thought there would be many ladies admire him.He must be have a colourful life,but i was wrong.Then i began to admire him and his self-control. Also,he was a very magnaious man that he played the game of whist just for fun and not to win. And speak to his new servant,Passepartout, i thought he would be a very good servant,because he had a lot of work experience before he came here.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve pages 1-29.


This book is about a woman, Kathryn, whose husband was a pilot, named Jack Lyons. She had a fifteen-year-old daughter, Mattie.
At 3.24 am, Kathryn heard a knocking on the door. She was scared and unsure who it might be in the early morning. When she opened it, she saw a man standing. It was Robert Hart, a man from The Union. He told her that her husband had an aeroplane explosion. She was extremely shocked. The memories she had with Jack then started to spin in her head, the first time they met at her grandmother's shop and what they usually did when Jack was home. Later she found the right time to tell her daughter about it. Mattie just could not believe what she had heard. She, too, was in a great shock.


I pretty like this story. It is exciting though I haven't got to know the rest of the story. The first time I read it, I was imagining it like a movie I have watched before (I can't remember the title!xD). I thought the storyline would be the same. I was wrong though. So glad! Hehe. I think it would be an awesome book. It would be great for me who love to collect novels. I would be like, "Wow! Another great book in my bookshelf!". Hmm... Anyway, I cannot predict what might happen next now coz` I haven't read that far... *sobbing:'(*

Thursday, April 3, 2008


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