Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve pages 30-64.


So far, this book has been still telling about what was happening around the house. There has not been any next day, still the same first day when Kathryn was informed by Robert Hart that Jack had an accident. After the bad news, Mattie slept the whole day with Julia, Kathryn's grandmother. Kathryn's parents were dead, both were drowned when they were drunk. They often fought from which Kathryn learnt about marriage. Kathryn found some papers in Jack's trousers in the bathroom after she had finished bathing. It was the trousers that Jack had worn on his last day home. There were some list of stuffs that he had to buy and some receipt from the post office in which written that a package would arrive on 20th December - it was 17th December when she found the paper. She thought it must be a christmas surprise for Mattie. Then she remembered about all the surprises that Jack had given her, especially the house she was currently living in. Jack had always been good at surprises, she thought. Until the last page that I have read, Robert Hart was informed that the accident was seventy percent pilot's error in which Kathryn could not believe and that there had been seven bodies found.


I long to read about how she goes on with her life without her husband! I guess it takes pretty lots of pages to tell the story of that particular day. Perhaps the Union had made a mistake with the information? And Jack would come back home? Kathryn had already asked about this to Robert. Poor Kathryn, Robert told her that they would never inform any wives that their husbands were dead while they actually were not=(. Hmm, I'm hoping it would really happen to Kathryn. Or maybe just a long nightmare for Kathryn.=D

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