Monday, May 19, 2008

Emma chapter 4

Mr Elton returned to Highbury and he was really happy, because he was going to get married with Augusta Hawkins whose family is rich. Ten thousand pounds was the rumour in Highbury.Everyone said he looked so in love. Harriet was sad because of that.One day, when Emma and Harriet was meeting Mr and Mrs Weston,Mrs Weston brought Emma a good news, Frank was coming and he was going to stay there for a whole fortnight. Emma was excited as this was the first time she could meet Frank. After Emma met Frank, she thought he is a handsome man, also he was really friendly. She thought Frank really liked her and she really enjoyed being with him.Everyone think Frank was a very good young man who is really match with Emma, except Mr. Knightly.
He thought Mr.Frank's thinking and personailty was silly and like a child.And he thought Frank is not match with Emma.


I enjoyed the book so far. I think Emma and Frank are a good match as they both enjoyed being together.And i think sometimes someone have child mind is much better than someone always thinks a lot.Easy mind is much better than difficult mind. Also, i think love can't control.If someone doesn't like you, then just give up and don't non-stop to love someone who don't like you.Because you will get hurt when you see them so sweet.And you like someone who like someone else,don't feel angry and bless them will be happy forever.This means you are really like him or her becuse you see he or she happy then you will feel happy.

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