Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Sister's Keeper Pg163-200

When Sara and Anna quarrel in the hospital, Vern Stackhouse hands Sara an envelope,which is a motion for a temporary restraining order. Sara thought Anna is asking to have her kick out of the house even Anna said she never ask for that,but Sara doesn't believe her. Brain thinks they should hire a real lawyer but Sara thinks she can take it. When three of them arrive home, there are many TV cameras waiting for them. Julia asks her if she wants her mother to leave the house and she says no. Anna isn't sure what she should do next, so she accepts her father idea---sleep in his station and have some breath. Campbell says that Sara shouldn't take about the lawsuit with Anna, Judge DeSalvo warn Sara if she does it again, he will escort her from her home. Julia strongly disagree with Campbell that the things he done, she thinks Campbell didn't tell the right thing to Anna. All that Anna hear is no pressure, but she never hear separation.

When I read the chapter, I found that there are three little dots in the bottom of the page and I don't understand what it means. May be someone can tell me the meaning? Finally I reach 200 pages! I just have 50 pages to read,hahhah~~It seems that is is impossible for me to finish the book this quarter, I think it is a kind of pity. Anyway ,I want to finish the book after the quarter.I love the climax in this book, the conflict between the characters is the most exciting part. Anna is confused now,everything is out of her mind. I can't wait to see what will happen in next chapter.

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