Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve pages 92-124.


Kathryn went to Julia's place and saw Mattie sleeping. She watched her daughter sleeping for a while before Mattie started to stuff her mouth with the white sheet on the bed. Mattie was still to upset to control herself. When Julia and Kathryn offered her a toast, she refused it angrily and changed her mind to take the toast later. Instead of eating it, Mattie just torn the toast into smaller parts. After their breakfast, Kathryn and Mattie went for a walk. Mattie was angry with her mother even though they did talk about things later on. Kathryin decided to tell Mattie about the news that it was predicted as a suicide but then she kept it to herself. When they got back to Julia's house, Kathryn saw Julia's red eyes. Julia then told her that Robert had just called thus Kathryn went to Julia's room to call Robert back. Robert told her that there were several interviewer from the Safety Board who wanted to ask her several questions about her husband. She was then picked up by Robert. In his car, Robert show a fax that show some tape about her husband's suicide which had not been really proved.
In the middle of the interview, Mattie called Kathryn and told her that she had just called Taylor, one of her friends to have a talk but Taylor was acting funny and telling her that her father's suicide was on the news. Mattie wanted to hear the truth from her mother. Kathryn tried to make things better by telling her it was not true even though Mattie was agitated and did not believe in what her mother had said at all.


I can't believe that Jack was really trying to commit suicide by blowing up the plane together with other 103 people in it! If I were Kathryn, I might just pass out because of all the things that had been so confusing. I have not reached the climax till now. It takes a little bit too long, I guess. But it's okay as long as I enjoy the story.=P

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