Tuesday, May 20, 2008

P.116-137 Dongjin...

Hannah and Andrea found that Connie Mac’s time of death is between from ten to midnight and the murder weapon was heavy, rounded object. And they got to know that Norman is another suspect. They were really surprised when they heard the news. Norman and Hannah are dating these days so of course they were surprised. There is another man who likes Hannah. His name is Mike who is one of the police. Hannah tried to find a clue that Norman’s not a suspect.

I’m really curious that who the murder is. I wanted to turn to the last page to turn to the last page to find out the murder but I didn’t. And I think the reason Mike suspect Norman as a murder is because of jealousy. Also, I was wondering where Janie is now. I don’t think she is the murder. I guess she will be appearing soon. More and more reading is more interesting. I want to read more. I think I can know the murder soon. Also, I can see new vocabulary.

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