Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve pages 165-198.


Kathryn was recalling the night when Jack was supposed to be in the crew apartment. She was at the school in the evening for the graduation night - she was a teacher in that school. She led the music concert at that night since she taught music. The next day, Mattie was supposed to have her Math final. She got an achievement as a sophomore at that night. Both Kathryn and she were very happy. She decided to call her father to tell him the good news. However, she failed to reach him when she tried to call him using the phone in the principal's room three times. Kathryn tried to call the crew apartment for three times later when they were home. Still, their calls were not answered. She wondered where Jack was with anger and concern. Then, she tried to concentrate to calculate her history students' grades until she fell asleep with her grade book and calculator on her lap. At quarter to one, the phone rang. It was Jack. When asked why he had not answered the phone, Kathryn that he had turned off the ringer off since he was exhausted and thought that he really needed to sleep.
Robert helped Kathryn cleaned her house. Then they had their dinner together. During the dinner, Kathryn just remembered one of the question from the Safety Board if Jack had any close friends in England. She also remembered about the paper that she found in Jack's trouser pocket. The one she thought would be for Mattie's Christmas surprise, a poem and a lottery ticket. On the ticket was written "M at A's" and some numbers which Kathryn did not know the meaning. Robert supposed that it was a phone number in England. Then Kathryn remembered the envelope she had found in Jack's office with the writing 'Muire Boland 3.30'. She supposed that it was a woman's name so she tried to call the number. A woman answered and said that Muire had been there and just gone back to her place when asked if there was Muire Boland. Kathryn also found that Muire was a flight attendant. She became anxious. She thought of the possibility that Jack had an affair. She decided to go to England. Instead of hesitating, Robert said that he would go with her.


Oh my ... What is going to happen now? More problems are occurring now. Now Kathryn found more evidence about Jack. What was Jack up to? It confused her. I put my sympathy on her for having a very hard life with a lot of problems occurring in her grief. Should she still trust her husband? She tried hard not to lose faith in Jack. If I were Kathryn, I do not think that I would be able to be as strong as her. Maybe I would really lose faith in Jack even though it is hard to accept the fact that he had an affair with a flight attendant. Many people used to tease Kathryn about the jokes between a pilot an his flight attendants but she always dismissed them. Now, were these evidence proving that the jokes were true? Kathryn tried to be strong and find out what these evidences actually meant.

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